Did you know that there is a New Zealand Cartoon and Comics Archive held by the Turnbull Library in a grand monolith of a building in Wellington, New Zealand? Few do… and what’s more you can even order and buy the right to digitally use these cartoons and comics.
A Cartoon and Comics Advisory Group has been set up and I am one of the six advisors.
We plan to invigorate this cartoon world and to excite schools and the public as to how the world of satire can bring enrichment to an otherwise serious world.
So I feel very grown up what with free return flights and a paid for night in a Thorndon hotel, taxi chits. Just being in Wellington city makes one feel corporate and entitled.
We’ve only had one session so far but we are on our way to thinking up inventive ideas to get this off the ground. See the screenshots below of some of my work in the archive, but go to this link below to read all about what the archive can offer.
Sample pages from the archive below
